尔虞我诈 | 尔虞我诈 ěryú-wǒzhà [each trying to cheat or outwit the other] 互相诈骗 见“ 尔诈我虞 ”。 |
分崩离析 | 分崩离析 fēnbēng-líxī [break up;come apart;fall to pieces] 四分五裂,形容国家、集团等分裂瓦解 邦分崩离析而不能守也。——《论语·季氏》 |
明枪暗箭 | 明枪暗箭 míngqiāng-ànjiàn [overt and covert attack] 公然的攻击或背后的陷害 |
钩心斗角 | 钩心斗角 gōuxīn-dòujiǎo [plot and wrangle;manoeuver for position against rivals] 原指宫室构筑得交错而致密,今亦指人之间算计与争斗 五步一楼,十步一阁;廊腰缦画,檐牙高啄;各抱地势,钩心斗角。——唐· 杜牧《阿房宫赋》 统治集团内部总是矛盾重重,钩心斗角,争权夺利,谁都想把别人推倒,由自己独占一切 |
明争暗斗 | 明争暗斗 míngzhēng-àndòu [both open strife and veiled struggle;fight with both open and secret means] 公开场合和暗地里都在争斗不息,较量不止。喻矛盾之深 |
朝秦暮楚 | 朝秦暮楚 zhāoqín-mùchǔ (1) [serve the State of Qin in the morning and the State of Chu in the evening—quick to switch sides]∶时而倾向秦国,时而倾向楚国,比喻反复无常 (2) [indefinite]∶早上在秦国,晚上在楚国,比喻行踪不定 |
三心两意 | 见“ 三心二意 ”。 |
同心同德 | 同心同德 tóngxīn-tóngdé [be of one mind] 心、德:都指思想认识。思想认识一致、行动一致 |
一心一德 | 一心一德 yīxīn-yīdé [be of one heart and one mind] 同心同德 |
和衷共济 | 和衷共济 hézhōng-gòngjì [work together with one heart (in times of difficulty)] 指同心协力克服困难 大家也真能和衷共济的讨论救济的方法。——《老舍文集·赵子曰》 |
同甘共苦 | 同甘共苦 tónggān-gòngkǔ [share weal and woe with;share with sb. through thick and thin;go through storm and stress together with] 同享幸福安乐,共度艰难困苦 官兵一致,同甘共苦 |
同心协力 | 同心协力 tóngxīn-xiélì [be of a (one) mind;make concerted efforts;work in full cooperation and with unity of purpose;unite all efforts for common purpose] 为了共同的目的或为取得一致的效果而统一思想、共同努力 敌对的政党在这个行动上是同心协力的 |
风雨同舟 | 风雨同舟 fēngyǔ-tóngzhōu [stand together through thick and thin;people in the same boat should help each other in distress] 在狂风暴雨中同船共渡。比喻患难与共,同舟共济 |
离心离德词典解释 (详细解释)