怨天恨地 | |
自怨自艾 | 自怨自艾 zìyuàn-zìyì [repent and redress one’s errors;be full of remorse] 原指悔恨自己的过失而改正错误,现只指自己悔恨 他自知悔过,自怨自艾 |
反躬自问 | 反躬自问 fǎngōng-zìwèn [examine oneself;examine one’s conscience] 反过来问问自己。也说“抚躬自问” |
乐天知命 | 乐天知命 lètiān-zhīmìng [contented with one's lot; accept fate and be happy about it; enjoy what is natural and obey what is destined] 安于自己的命运而没有任何忧虑 |
杞人忧天 | 杞人忧天 qǐrén-yōutiān (1) [like the man of Qi who was haunted by the fear that the sky might fall]∶《列子·天瑞》:“杞国有人忧天地崩坠,身亡所寄,废寝食者”。传说杞国有个人怕天塌下来,愁得寝食不安 (2) [with unwarranted anxiety]∶比喻不必要的忧虑 |
乐天安命 | 见“ 乐天知命 ”。 |
反求诸己 | 反求诸己 fǎnqiúzhūjǐ [seek the cause in oneself instead of sb. else] 求:寻求。诸:“之于”的合音。反省自己的过失,加以改正,而不责怪别人 发而不中,则怨胜己者,反求诸己而已矣。——《礼记》 |
怨天尤人词典解释 (详细解释)